Default NMEA Config:
# NMEA-GNSS input config example (can provide majortime for PPS sources)
# Eight data bits, no parity bit, and one stop bit (8N1) is assumed
# (It is not recommended to configure a NMEA source if you have an alternative secondary source)
#- protocol: nmea
# device: '/dev/ttyS0' # Serial device path
# baud: 9600 # Serial device baud rate
# offset: 0 # Static offset of RMC line
# monitor_only: false
# Other vendor specific GNSS receivers input config example (can provide majortime for PPS sources)
# Eight data bits, no parity bit, and one stop bit (8N1) is assumed
# (It is not recommended to configure a Mini-JLT source if you have an alternative secondary source)
#- protocol: timecard-mini # "mini-jlt" (Jackson Labs) is also an option
# device: '/dev/ttyUSB0' # Serial device path
# baud: 115200 # Serial device baud rate
# offset: 0 # Static offset of RMC line
# monitor_only: false
To configure the NMEA source, modify the below lines:
- protocol: nmea
device: '/dev/ttyS0' # Serial device path
baud: 9600 # Serial device baud rate
(please note you need to match the serial device path to your device's specified location).