Default Squared Config:
# Enable PTPSquared functionality
# enable: false
# discovery:
# mdns: true
# dht: false
# dht_seed_list: ["/ip4/"]
# keypath: "/etc/timebeat/ptp2key.private"
# domains: [115,116]
# interface: ens5f0
# seats_to_offer: 4 # Number of seats available to consume time from this node
# seats_to_fill: 3 # Number of seats this node seeks to fill from other nodes to consume time
# concurrent_sources: 1 # Number of concurrent PTP sources used to steer our clock(s)
# active_sync_interval: -3 # sync interval for active sources
# active_delayrequest_interval: -3 # delay request interval for active sources
# monitor_sync_interval: 0 # sync interval for sources we monitor
# monitor_delayrequest_interval: 0 # delay request interval for sources we monitor
# capabilities: ["hqosc-1500"] # high-quality oscillator 1.5us drift per 24 hours
# preference_score: 0 # Used when requesting capacity from reservations
# reservations: ["1500:50%:115,116", "750:25%"] # List containing client seat reservations:
# <required preference score> :
# <percent of capacity> :
# <optional comma seperated list of allowed domains>
# debug: false # debug logging specifically for ptpsquared
# advanced:
# asymmetry_compensation: 0 # In nanoseconds. Static compensation for know asymmetry (+/- as the case maybe). All interfaces
# is_better_factor: 1.4 # How much "better" does a source need to be to be selected instead of a current source
# eos_weight: 1.0 # Weight attributed to error of source std dev calculation in determining hop cost
# All costs below default to zero which infers that cumulative error of source is the only factor
# determining the cost of a particular time source path
# base_hop_cost: 0.0 # The default cost of a single hop to downstream peers
# swts_cost: 0.0 # The cost of using software timestamping
# hwts_cost: 0.0 # The cost of using hardware timestamping
# Enable latency analysis functionality
# latency_analysis_enable: false
To find the DHT_seed_list peer id for the root node, log in to the Timebeat CLI and use the following command:
Timebeat# show squared seats
My ID is: 16Uiu2HAmHT67buaBuEiRD3prLkQ8d4S947MG7LmymbbLoH4QYt31
My RootDistance is: 0
Time sent from other peers to this peer:
Current server peer(s): 0
Unfilled client seats: 2
Max seats: 2